Our hotel from the outside. Looks nice, right? Nice enough to pay $42 a day for parking? Um, definitely not. Luckily, my room had mold growing in it, so I made up a story about how I have a serious mold allergy and the moldy room had destroyed my marathon dreams . . . I think I deserve an Oscar for my poignant performance! While this is unlikely to happen, I did get my $210 worth of parking back. It was a small victory.
View from the hotel room. I was shocked to learn that there are actually MOUNTAINS behind all that smog! I thought people were just making that up!
Brent, Jonny and I: "Before." As you'll soon learn, there is no "After" shot. This probably has something to do with the fact that I took approximately six decades longer than planned to finish the stupid marathon.
We never figured out whether these people actually ran . . . if so, I'm really impressed with their abilities to run 26.2 in dockers (the cigs were fake; don't be fooled).
These folks are so fast, it's actually impossible to get an in-focus photo of them. I only hope that someday, after years and years of training, I will be able to sprint as fast as they can jog backwards.
My favorite two year-old on the planet--my niece, Iris. And yes, I do believe Mr. Sharky is making a phone call. He's probably trying to get in contact with his poor, unfotunate pal who is trapped inside the snow globe.
I agree that this is one of the creepiest toddler photos of all time (seriously, what sicko thought this ride would be a good idea?!). But Iris seems to be having a good time . . . so I guess that's all that matters?
Cool pictures, Irish. I'm sure you would've been nipping at the feet of those Kenyans if they had to run backwards...
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