Friday, May 8, 2009

I think I forgot how to run . . .

Okay, you guys. I know I am supposed to be working on getting Long Branch Half photos up here, but you're gonna have to wait because I am having some technical issues--and not of the interweb variety either. Nope. I? Am having some technical issues with running. Okay, fine . . . I admit it. I think I forgot how to run! WTF?! HELP!

It all started on Wednesday. I gave myself Monday and Tuesday off to try to recover from the half-marathon from hell and the beast that had taken over my chest and lungs. Wednesday, I was back at it. Wilson and I set out for an "easy" run of about 4 miles. Well, wouldn't you know, I felt like my stride was totally jacked and my legs were fumbling about as thought I was a baby giraffe trying to learn to walk. Not. Even. Kidding. It was that bad. The run kind of really sucked, mostly because Wilson felt the need to rub the fact that I was struggling in my face by constantly running about 20 yards in front of me (yes, even when we ran through the Red Hook projects and I was almost kidnapped and held for ransom--true story).

We got home after our run, and I was relieved to learn that we had at least covered the run at a 9:16/pace--not a pace I'd expect to be struggling with, but respectable enough that I didn't freak out (much). Fast-forward to this morning. We woke up at 5:45 a.m. and hit the road, tackling one of our favorite routes, the out-and-back Brooklyn Bridge ass-suck hill run. Um, if you guessed that this run sucked too judging by my description of it, you are right. More of the same old baby-giraffe-lame-leg syndrome. In fact, my legs got so tired, I stopped to walk with like a tenth of a mile of the uphill climb to go on our way back to Brooklyn. GRRR. I don't know why, but my legs just don't seem to be cooperating.

I wouldn't be so darn freaked out if my legs just felt tired and heavy . . . THAT, I've felt a billion times before. It's the "my stride feels really weird and foreign, as though someone cut my legs off in the middle of the night and sewed on somebody else's" part that is giving me panic attacks. Has anyone ever experienced this before? Am I going crazy? Did I seriously "lose my stride?" Wow, all I keep thinking is that if I really did lose my stride, I'm sure as hell not going to make a very good parent! Ha. But seriously, I'm scurrrred! I am praying it comes back to me during this weekend's long run of an undisclosed/undecided distance.


Anonymous said...

this has happened to me Once, my hip muscles were doing crazy CRAZY things and I had no idea what was going on. i eventually had it checked out because clearly somethin was up. just a matter of changing inserts/running shoes. hmm, I hope you don't injure yourself over there!! Take it easy til your long run for sure, hope it feels better!

Running and living said...

Aww, sorry about this. I think it may have to do with your body being tired and recovering from the cold. Give it some time, it will come back! Ana-Maria

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the tough run. It does not sound very weird, though, after having been under the weather for a while. I think the next run will bring back the old familiar feeling, especially when your mind is distracted by all that's happening around you. Have a good race!

EmLit said...

I've experienced things like this before. I think we always tend to underestimate the effect of getting a little sick because we're always so charged to get back out and stop convalescing. I'm sure that as you continue to run, you'll fall back into your rhythm. In the meantime, just try to relax and not push it. I hope the long run goes well!

Marathonman101108 said...

YUP, been there, done that! You have to admit, as much as it sucks when your stride is off, it IS funny too! Kinda reminds me of when I'm watching a harness race and the horse I bet on decides to go "off stride." If you've ever been to Yonkers or Monticello Raceway you know what I mean. Anyhow, I'm also guessing that you being sick contributed to it happening. Next time you go for a run, don't overthink it. Focus on your music, the scenery, or anything but your stride. It will be back to normal in no time. Can you say the same for yourself?!

Lindsay said...

i think i've felt this way before - after the disney marathon i took a week off and felt like i didn't know how to run when i started back up. hopefully it'll come back to you too! i'm sure it will :)

Being Robinson said...

ugh, that sucks. but maybe it's just major fatigue and burnout running wise? maybe your body is screaming for some rest? rest is good! but here's to hoping your next run is fabulous!!

Rachel said...

I've had this happen...but not sure what it is. I blamed it on my lack of nutrition for that week I think. Hope you get your stride back soon!

Spike said...

I've never quite had that feeling so I'm no help, but I can only hope the problem corrects itself quickly. Maybe have Wilson watch you run and see if your form is off or you are favoring one side.

sRod said...

I usually get that post-race oh-my-God-I-feel-like-I've-never-run-before feeling. Just keep on running. It'll all come back.