Sunday, March 15, 2009

And The Inventing of Forms of Cross-Training Begins . . .

Today was a cross-training day. After weighing my options, I finally decided on a Jillian Michaels "Making the Cut"-inspired workout. It went a little something like this:

50 squats
Hold plank pose 30 seconds
20 plank-ups
50 bicycle crunches
10 close-grip push-ups (also known as triangle push-ups)
50 basic lunges (25 each leg)
25 reverse crunches
15 scorpion push-ups
20 jump squats
25 bench dips
40 step-ups (20 each leg)
25 toe-touch crunches
50 basic lunges (25 each leg)

And then I got tired/sore and gave up.

Oh, and I can't forget to mention the vigorous pot-scrubbing I did today. It was probably more intense than all of the exercises above combined! Yay for crappy, over-priced NYC apartments without dishwashers!

Time for bed . . . it's already gotten way too late!! How does this always happen on Sunday night? Sweet dreams, y'all!


Spike said...

I always find it hard to do cross when I am in my apt and looking at all the laundry I need to do, or the dishes I need to clean.

EmLit said...

Wow, you are a veritable cross-training maven! I am truly humbled. And pot scrubbing definitely counts--you're working those biceps and triceps!

C said...

Dang! You are going to be one busy girl. Good luck! :)

sRod said...

I'm learning the wonders of cross training now. It's a welcomed break from all the treadmill running during the week.

Emily said...

I am a huge fan of Jillian's Making the Cut workouts! It's grueling at first but it gets better I think. Also, if I want results fast, I start her routine. Then next think I know, BOOM - muscles!